Go to there are 47 different social bookmarking sites listed in their database so far.
Be sure you have an account with each of these services. Keep note of your sign in information for each in a notebook or download an application such as roboform or use Flock or FireFox browsers to remember for you.
Fill in the short form in the top right of the page. Your websites title, url, description and keywords (and keyword phrases!) separated by commas.
Check all the social bookmarking services you wish to use to promote your website.
Don't get confused by the lack of submit button. Simply click your enter button when your finished and your promotion will begin!
A page will appear for each of the selected social bookmarking sites. Click either the log in or register tabs and then fill out the information.
Your information you filled out in the form on page 1 is stored at the bottom of the page. Simply drag and drop this information to the appropriate places on the social bookmarking site's page and click the submit button/tab at the top.
Keep going until all social bookmarking pages have been used. The whole process should take about 15-20 minutes.
Enjoy the extra traffic!!
Go to there are 47 different social bookmarking sites listed in their database so far.
Be sure you have an account with each of these services. Keep note of your sign in information for each in a notebook or download an application such as roboform or use Flock or FireFox browsers to remember for you.
Fill in the short form in the top right of the page. Your websites title, url, description and keywords (and keyword phrases!) separated by commas.
Check all the social bookmarking services you wish to use to promote your website.
Don't get confused by the lack of submit button. Simply click your enter button when your finished and your promotion will begin!
A page will appear for each of the selected social bookmarking sites. Click either the log in or register tabs and then fill out the information.
Your information you filled out in the form on page 1 is stored at the bottom of the page. Simply drag and drop this information to the appropriate places on the social bookmarking site's page and click the submit button/tab at the top.
Keep going until all social bookmarking pages have been used. The whole process should take about 15-20 minutes.
Enjoy the extra traffic!!