Unplug the computer. Remove the monitor and other peripherals from the computer. Open the computer's cover.

Look for a jumper labeled "PWD" or something similar, near the CMOS battery on the motherboard. If you can't find it, consult the manual for your motherboard to find out where this jumper is located. Remove the jumper, which is a little plastic sheath covering some of the pins. This disables the password.

Remove the CMOS battery. The CMOS battery is a round battery that looks like a watch battery. Release the battery, keep it out of the computer for a few seconds, then put it back. The removal of the battery resets the BIOS and clear the password.

Use a backdoor password or a keyboard command. Most BIOS manufacturers have standard passwords that can be used to bypass the BIOS password. Search the Internet to find a list of passwords. You need to know what your BIOS is. Hold the left shift key down during the boot process to bypass the BIOS password on most Toshiba systems.

Browse the web for third party password hacking tools, if none of the other methods works.

Take the hard drive out of the computer. Once the hard drive is out of the password protected computer, you can access the information on it. Place the drive as a secondary drive in another computer to copy information from it.

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