If you have a computer problem that you just can't solve and the instruction manual (assuming you can find it) isn't any help, take heart. If you're having a problem, chances are others (probably LOTS of others) have had the same problem.

Go to your Google (or other search engine of your choice) search bar and, in as many specific words as possible type in your problem. Be sure to include the exact make and model of the computer or printer that is causing you the problem.

Explore the search results and see if any seem to be a good match for your problem. Click on individual links to see if any solutions are being offered. It's not unusual to discover multiple websites that have questions and answers dealing with your computer problem.

If none of the results seems to be a good match, repeat the search making your wording broader and less specific. Again, explore the results to see if anything is a possible solution to your problem.

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